Speaking & Education

A commonality that the most successful people share is the unwavering notion that there is always room to learn something new, and their thirst for continued education.

When it comes to business, leadership, and management, many topics tend to be universal. While there certainly are industry-specific themes and subjects, Artem articulates necessary topics to personalize presentations, to ensure applicability to any audience. 

“Whether the intent is to inform, inspire, educate, or simply entertain, I believe that proper preparation is the key. Getting to know exactly what the goal of a presentation should be helps shape the content, as well as the approach. I’m a big believer in contrarianism and allowing for outside-of-the-box methodology; nothing to startle the audience, but rather something to keep them fully engaged throughout the presentation.” - Artem 

 Principle topics include:

Luxury Service: Luxury may have certain aesthetics, and be accompanied by a premium price point, but it’s truly defined by the consumers’ experience with you/your brand. 

  • Understanding mass luxury vs connoisseur luxury 

  • Attentiveness and thoughtfulness’ impact on service and how to use it to your advantage  

  • Maintaining a luxury brand experience throughout the sales cycle

Elevating Your Communication: Regardless of industry, proper communication is imperative. Whether it’s interpersonal, interdepartmental, or even intergenerational, continuous changes in the workforce demand evolving methods of communication.  

  • Internal and external communication in different industries  

  • Best practices for effective networking etiquette 

  • Intergenerational communication opportunities

Personal Branding: Everyone has a personal brand, whether they realize it or not. Maximizing your personal brand requires careful cultivation, and continued analysis. 

  • Positioning your brand to tell your desired story 

  • How human psychology will affect how your brand is perceived 

  • Tips to evolve your personal brand to authentically reach your desired audience  

Reach out to Artem about speaking and education needs.